Jiao Hongbo

Jiao Hongbo, male, born in 1962, citizen of Dengfeng City, Henan Province, bachelor degree. He has awarded the title of Shaolin Eighteen King Kong, 7thsection of Chinese Wushu system, and 9th section of Shaolin Wushu system. He is the shaolin Wushu master, national first-class coach, assessor and instructor in the national Wushu rank system. He is an advanced worker in the culture and tourism system and an outstanding contributor to the 40- year reform and opening up of Henan Wushu. He is currently the curator and head coach of the Songshan Shaolin Temple Wushu Museum in Henan Province. He was also the chairman of International Shaolin Martial Artists Association, the honorary chairman of European Shaolin Wushu Union, the honorary chairman of Shaolin Boxing Research Association of Henan Province Wushu Association, the visiting professor of Shanghai University of Engineering Science, and the distinguished professor of Qilu Normal University in Shandong Province. He is the initiator of the International Shaolin Wushu Festival, known as one of the representatives of Shaolin boxing.

Since engaged in Wushu, Jiao Hongbo has won the champion of Wushu and free hand competitions held in Henan Province, and the champion of Shaolin Boxing of the 5th National Games for many times. As a representative of Shaolin Wushu, he participated in the Fifth National Game, winning the excellent award, the "Hong Kong Film Award and Friendship and Peace Award of the European International Wushu Festival, the Special Contribution Award of Polynesian Sports, the top Wushu Award, and the Asian Sports Festival held in Japan. He has published books such as Shaolin Wushu Textbook and The History of Shaolin Wushu,and many academic papers such as The Origin of Shaolin Wushu, The Development Direction of Shaolin Wushu, Exercising the Advantages of Shaolin Chanwu Culture and Implementing the Strategy of "Provincial Tourism", and Thinking on the Development of Shaolin Temple Wushu Club.

Jiao Hongbo is the main creator of Kung Fu stage play such as Shaolin Kungfu and A Touch of Zen.The play of A Touch of Zen has participated in international art festivals held in Normandy, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc. Shaolin Kungfu, regarded as  the first Chinese Broadway performance, won the "Outstanding Export Cultural Products and Services Project" award by the Ministry of Culture, and the only cultural works nominated in the 63rd "Tony Award" and the 54th "Drama Desk Awards". A number of Shaolin Kung Fu performance troupes established by him have been organized to tour and teach in over 80 countries and regions. It was the first Chinese Wushu group to perform in the Royal Opera House, the Golden Hall in Austria and Broadway in the United States, and the first Kung Fu stage play to enter the mainstream international performing arts market. Jiao, is the first person to create a Kung Fu stage play introduced into the international mainstream performing arts market as the main pioneer of Shaolin Kung Fu to the world. He has performed  Shaolin Kung Fu overseas for the longest time, the largest number of performances, and the largest number of countries and cities.