Chen Ziqiang

Chen Ziqiang, male, born in 1977 in the Chen family of Taiji Boxing at Chen Jiagou village. He is the 20th lineal descendant of the Chen Family, the chief instructor of Chen Jiagou village Taiji Boxing School and the general secretary of Chen Jiagou village Chen style Taiji Boxing Association. Since his childhood, he has been practicing the boxing weapons descended from his family with his father, Chen Xiaoxing, and has received careful guidance from his second uncle, Chen Xiaowang, and attribute to his intelligence and diligence, he is not only good at Chen style Taiji Boxing routines and various weapons, but also is well versed in Taiji Boxing Push Hands and Taiji Sanshou. The bouncing and shaking of his movements are of extreme strength, swift and violent, showing the power of Kung Fu. From 1996 to 2005, he won 25 championships in various national, provincial and municipal Wushu events in Taiji Boxing, weapons, pushing hands and free sparring, and led his students to win more than a thousand gold, silver and bronze medals in various Wushu events. Since 2006 till now, he has been invited by Wushu gyms and Taiji Boxing associations from all over the world to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, England, Germany, Italy, Spain, Brazil and other countries to teach Taiji every year. In December 2021, Chen Ziqiang was named by the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism as the representative inheritor of the fifth batch of Henan provincial intangible cultural heritage projects.