Chen Guizhen

Chen Guizhen, female Han nationality, was born in February 1960 in Chenjiagou Village, Wenxian County, the birthplace of Taiji Boxing. At her age of 6, she learned Taiji Boxing from her father Chen Qiwang, which laid the foundation for Taiji Boxing. In 1970, she learned Taiji Boxing from the master Chen Zhaopi. In 1974, she learned from the Taiji Boxing master Chen Zhaokui. Later, she was instructed by teachers Chen Xiaowang, Chen Zhenglei, Wang Xi’an and Zhu Tiancai. Since 1980, she has achieved excellent results in Taiji Boxing competitions at the provincial, municipal and county levels. In 1985, she began to go abroad and visited Tokyo, Japan to for cultural exchange activities with Chen Xiaowang and Chen Zhenglei, who are masters of Taiji Boxing in China, as representatives of the birthplace of Chinese Taiji Boxing. She has become the representative of Chinese women‘s Taiji Boxing. Since 1998, she has been to Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, the United States, South Korea, Australia and other places to spread and exchange Taiji Boxing culture. In 1997, she founded Chen Guizhen Taiji Boxing Institute. In December 2021, Chen Guizhen was named the fifth batch of representative inheritors of Henan provincial intangible cultural heritage projects by Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.