Chen Chong

Chen Chong was born in Chen Jiagou Village, Wenxian County in 1974. He is the 11th generation successor of Chen style Taiji Boxing and one of the national first-class boxers and ten outstanding Taiji Boxing masters. Learning Chen style Taiji Boxing from his father, Chen Chong is proficient at all kinds of routines, pushing hands and weapons of Chen style Taiji Boxing, especially skillful in the Small Form Routine of Chen style Taiji Boxing. He is currently the principal and head coach of Chen Jiagou Village Taiji Boxing School, the vice president of China Chen Jiagou Village Taiji Boxing Association, the senior consultant of Taiwan Branch of Chen Jiagou Village Taiji Boxing School, and the head coach of China Taiji Boxing Hall of Xuzhou Chen style Taiji Boxing Research Association. In December 2021, Chen Chong was named the representative inheritor of the fifth batch of provincial intangible cultural heritage projects in Henan Province by the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.