He Huichao

He Huichao, female, Han nationality, born in Zhaobao Town, Wen County in February 1989. Influenced by his family’s strong Taijiquan cultural atmosphere since childhood, she learned from her father He Youlu and inherited her family‘s custom and mastered the traditional routine of He-style Taijiquan and the weapon routine of He-style Tai Chi sword, sabres and cudgel. She is the descendant of the seventh generation of He- style Taijiquan, the sixth duan of Chinese Wushu, the instructor and assessor of the Chinese Wushu Duan System, and the first-level referee of national martial arts. She is currently teaching at the School of Physical Education (Taijiquan) of Henan University of Technology.The moving manner is light and round with rigidity in softness, the whole body is coordinated, the step is quick and the body is flexible, soft and natural, and the transformation of force such as separation and combination is ever-changing. It embodies the characteristics of He-style Taijiquan that the hand is drawn in a circle, the body is in a circle, the step is in a circle, the big circle covers small circle, the small circle covers big circle, the whole body is full of circles, and the circles are coherent. In December 2021, He Huichao was named the representative inheritor of the fifth batch of provincial-level intangible cultural heritage projects in Henan Province by the Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.