Jiang Dongxu

Jiang Dongxu, born in 1971, graduated from Wuhan Sports of Yniversity majoring in sports training, currently serves as the deputy director of the International Performance Department of Shaolin Temple Wushu Museum in Songshan, Henan Province. He is also the part-time associate professor of the Wushu Education Center of Qilu Normal University in Shandong province, a member of the editorial board of "Campus Wushu", a national Wushu athlete of “Wuying-level”, the 6th duan of Chinese Wushu, the main creator and chief Wushu choreographer of the large-scale original Kung Fu stage drama Soul of Shaolin, and the Wushu choreographer of the original Kung Fu stage drama Wu Yun. For more than 40 years of Wushu practice, Jiang has won a number of individual championships and all-around championships in Wushu competitions held in China. Since 1993, he has led the Shaolin Kung Fu Performance Troupe to dozens of countries and regions such as the United States, Britain, Germany, Austria, Japan, Malaysia and other dozens of countries and regions for kung fu performances, Wushu teaching and exchanges,making great contributions to disseminating the traditional culture of the Chinese nation to the world.