Jiao Xiaowei

Jiao Xiaowei, born in 1970, currently the deputy head coach and the director of the International Teaching Performance Department of the Shaolin Temple Wushu Museum in Songshan, Henan Province. Graduated from Tianjin University of Sport, Jiao is the National Senior Coach, associate professor, the 8th Duan of Shaolin Wushu and Shaolin Wushu Master. He was also the member of the Fourth and Fifth Dengfeng Political Consultative Conference and Standing Committee Member of the First Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese in Dengfeng. In 2015, he won the "May 1st" Labor Medal of Zhengzhou and was entitled the "Advanced Worker" for many times. In addition, he has been invited to visit more than 80 countries and regions to carry out Wushu teaching, Wushu performances, international cultural exchanges and other activities. As the head coach, general director of Wushu, Jiao choreographed A Touch of Zen, Thirteen Stick Monks, Soul of Shaolin·Huiguang’s Story, and other large-scale kung fu stage plays.  A Touch of Zen was introduced in the 34th International Arts Festival in Hong Kong, the Normandy Autumn Arts Festival in France, the Chinese Arts Festival in Singapore, and the Thirteen Stick Monks Tour in Greece. And he has participated in the opening ceremony celebrations of cultural weeks in China, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia and other countries for many times.