Jiao Hongmin

Jiao Hongmin, born in 1968, is the representative inheritor of Ba Duan Jin, an intangible cultural heritage project in Henan Province, the director of Kung Fu Recreation and Culture Promotion Department of Songshan Shaolin Temple Wushu Training Center in Henan Province, and a national social sports instructor. He is the director of Henan Overseas Exchange Association, the visiting professor of Art College of Yanbian University, the part-time associate professor of Shandong Qilu Normal College, the honorary chief coach of Shaolin Temple Wushu Museum in Japan, the director instructor of Tokyo Sports Club in Japan, the honorary chief coach of Songling Wushu Museum in Singapore, the honorary coach of Warsaw Sports and Wellness Center in Poland, the honorary Wushu coach of Henan Chamber of Commerce in Frankfurt, Germany. He is a member of Dengfeng CPPCC and a standing committee member of Dengfeng Overseas Chinese Association. The Shaolin Ba Duan Jin taught by him has been broadcasted for more than 2000 times on CCTV and Henan TV. He has visited more than 30 countries and regions and taught more than 50,000 students at home and abroad. He has published Shaolin Ba Duan Jin, Shaolin Yi Jin Jing and Shaolin Xi Sui Jing in the National 13th Five-Year Plan of Wushu China Series.