Liang Jihong

Liang Jihong, born in 1965, is a famous Shaolin Wushu artist and  ranks the 9th Duan of Shaolin Wushu. Now he is the executive vice president and secretary-general of Shaolin Boxing Research Association of Henan Province, and the executive vice president and secretary-general of Shaolin Wushu Association of Dengfeng City. He is the apprentice of the Shaolin boxing master Liang Yiquan, specializing in Shaolin long boxing, Big-form Hong boxing, Da Tong boxing, Xiao Tongbi boxing, Close Body Kung Fu, Qi Mei cudgel, Yang Family spear, Eight Duan Jin, etc. He was awarded the title“Shaolin Eighteen Vajra” , “Shaolin Wushu Master” and the “Contributor to the 40-year of Reform and Opening of Henan Wushu”. He has served as the director of Shaolin Wushu School, Shaolin Wushu Training Center and Shaolin Wushu Research Institute, training a large number of excellent Shaolin Wushu talents, and was awarded as one of the top ten outstanding young Shaolin boxers by Dengfeng Sports Committee. He visited more than 20 countries and regions to carry out Shaolin Wushu performance and teaching and participated in the filming of Shaolin Temple, Shaolin Haideng the Venerable , and the CCTV large-scale documentary Kungfu Shaolin.