Chen Junjie

Chen Junjie, born in 1968, graduated from Beijing Sports University. He ranks  the 7th Duan of Chinese Wushu, the 9th Duan of Shaolin Wushu, a national Wushu sparring judge, and an assessor of the national Wushu Duan System. He is the author of Shaolin Short Attacking Teaching and Practice,Shaolin Three Famous Boxing, and participated in the preparation of Chinese Wushu Duan Rank Shaolin Boxing Series Tutorial and Wushu Textbook of Mt. Songshan Shaolin Temple Wushu Training Center. He has led the Shaolin Kung Fu Performance Troupe to more than 60 countries and regions to teach and perform, and was nominated for the Tony Award and the Critics’ Award for the Kungfu stage drama Soul of Shaolin and won the “Excellent Culture Export and Service Project Award” of the Ministry of Culture. He has made positive contributions to Shaolin Kung Fu to the world. He is the guest professor at Beijing Sports University and the professor at Qilu Normal University. He was awarded the “Henan Wushu Special Contribution Award” for 40 years of reform and opening up in Henan Province, “Top Ten Outstanding Contributors of the Year” in Henan Wushu in 2018, “Chinese Wushu   Characters”, “Shaolin Wushu master” .