Liang Songhua

Liang Songhua, born in 1963, entitled the 7th Duan of Chinese Wushu and serving as a national-level Wushu judge. He has been practicing martial arts since heis entry to Beijing Sports University in 1986 for further study. He has won the first prize and the title of “Excellent athlete” in many national, provincial and municipal competitions. In 1993, he visited Taiwan for martial arts performance and communication, and was highly praised by local martial arts friends. During his over 40 years of teaching career, he has participated in the writing of Shaolin Wushu  Textbook, Chinese Shaolin Boxing Competition Routine and other martial arts monographs, has cultivated a large number of excellent students to sports colleges and universities, and has trained outstanding talents such as Su Jianjiao, Xie Qingtuan and Liang Panpan for the development of  Wushu. In addition, he has also organized and participated in the performances, training and competitions of Zhengzhou International Shaolin Wushu Festival, contributing significantly to the development of Shaolin Wushu. In view of his outstanding work, he was selected as the “Outstanding Contributor to the Reform and Opening Up of Wushu in Henan Province for 40 years” in 2019, and sofar by now, is still striving to promote Shaolin Wushu.