Located in the center of China, Henan is the birthplace of the Chinese kungfu as well as the historical and cultural center of China. It is the “home” of all Chinese descendants. A tour of Henan helps one understand the origins of China, the Chinese historical culture, the Chinese kungfu and the Chinese people. You are welcome to visit Henan and get to know about the real China.



Henan has a long history



Birthplace of the Chinese kungfu



The bright pearl of Yellow River Culture

Henan Museum and Historic  Monuments of Dengfeng in “The Centre  of Heaven and Earth”

Henan Museum and Historic Monuments of Dengfeng in “The Centre of Heaven and Earth”

Exploring the Origin of Chinese Civilization

Henan Museum, one of China’s top three museums, It houses over 130,000 artifacts, with more than 40,000 articles designated as “National Treasure”. Prehistorical relics, bronze ware of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, pottery and porcelain of all ages are among the museum’s unique collections having great archeological and artistic value. Historic Monuments of Dengfeng in “The Centre of Heaven and Earth” includes 11 historical buildings, which are the Shaolin Temple complex, Songyang Academy and the Astronomical Observatory, etc. It is one of the Chinese buildings that are characterized by the richest cultural connotations. Songyang Academy was one of the highest educational institutions in ancient China, occupying an important position in the history of Chinese education. Meanwhile, the Observatory is the oldest of its kind in China and one of the most famous astronomical buildings in the world.

Zhengzhou, Henan

National Museum of Chinese  Writing and Yin Ruins

National Museum of Chinese Writing and Yin Ruins

Discovering the Origin of Chinese Characters

National Museum of Chinese Writing is dedicated to the protection, display and research of cultural relics. The Chinese characters speak volumes about the heritage of Chinese writing and the splendid culture of Chinese civilization. As confirmed by archaeological findings, Yin Ruins are the remains of the capital city of the late Shang Dynasty (second dynasty in ancient China), more than 150,000 pieces of oracle bones and shells along with a large amount of bronze ware bearing exquisite designs have been excavated from the Yin Ruins site. It features the world famous oracle bones, which are inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells.

Anyang, Henan

Luoyang Museum, Longmen  Grottoes and Mingtang·Tiantang

Luoyang Museum, Longmen Grottoes and Mingtang·Tiantang

Historical Gem of Thousand-Year Imperial Capital Luoyang

Luoyang Museum is the only comprehensive history museum in Luoyang. It exhibits the profound culture of the ancient capital Luoyang.
Longmen Grottoes, one of China’s three bestknown grottoes, started over 1,500 years ago and lasted around 400 years. They are made up of more
than 2,300 niches, over 100,000 sculptures and upwards of 2,800 stelae. Mingtang·Tiantang is regarded an important place for Empress Wu Zetian to govern the country, worship the Buddha and carry out her daily life in ancient China. It is the core of the “Palace District” in the group of ruins of ancient Luoyang City in Sui and Tang dynasties.

Luoyang, Henan

Songshan Shaolin Temple Wushu  Training Center

Songshan Shaolin Temple Wushu Training Center

A Venue for Kungfu Practice and Exchange

Songshan Shaolin Temple Wushu Training Center is the first martial arts training base of its kind in China. It enrolls domestic and foreign students and cultivates them into Kungfu professionals. It is committed to the dissemination of Shaolin martial arts. As an ideal venue for practicing martial arts, it covers a wide area and boasts a grandiose and unique architectural style, integrating the functions of Kungfu training, tourism and hospitality.

About 700 meters east of the Shaolin Temple

Shaolin Tagou Martial Arts School

Shaolin Tagou Martial Arts School

A Professional School for Shaolin Martial Arts

Founded in 1978, the college has 23 largesize practice rooms. It offers various martial arts courses including routine training, one-on-one fighting, boxing, performance of martial arts and Tai Chi. Presently, 718 classes of martial arts teaching are underway at the college. In more than 40 years of its establishment, it has imparted civil and military training to more than 100,000 people. Notably, some of Tagou students won the Olympic sanda champion, and presented live show at Spring Festival Gala many times.

nearby National Highway 207, Dayu Road, Dengfeng, and branch school is located at the entrance of Shaolin Scenic Area in Dengfeng.

Shaolin Epo Martial Arts School

Shaolin Epo Martial Arts School

China‘s Famous Martial Arts School

Founded in 1977, this modernand comprehensive martial arts school integrates cultural teaching, martial arts training, sports competitions and film and television performances. It offers various martial arts courses including routine training, oneon-one fighting, wrestling and taekwondo. It has more than 12,000 students, while nearly 1,000 foreign students come to the school every year.

West section of Dayu Road, Dengfeng.

Tai Chi Museum

Tai Chi Museum

Expo Park of Tai Chi Culture

Tai Chi Museum is housed in Tai Chi Pavilion, a neoclassical building situated on a high octagonal platform. The museum boasts close to 10,000 artifacts and historical documents related to Tai Chi, including the genealogy of masters of major Tai Chi schools. It consists of the Liangyi (Two Forms) Hall, the Sixiang (Four Emblems) Hall, the Wenxiu Hall (the Hall of Learning) and the SanxingHall (the Hall of Reflection), where the evolution, fundamental laws, movements and culture of Tai Chi are on display

Northeastern corner of Chenjiagou

Chenjiagou Tai Chi School

Chenjiagou Tai Chi School

A Base for Learning Tai Chi

The Tai Chi School is a base of orthodox Tai Chi Learning, the first of its kind in China. Founded in 1980, the school covers 13,000 square meters and
has Chen Xiaoxing, patriarch of the 19th generation of the Chen family, as its principal. Committed to the global promotion of the spirit and culture of Tai Chi, the school is an ideal place for learning and practicing Tai Chi.

At the center of Chenjiagou.

Sanmenxia Dam

Sanmenxia Dam

National 4A-level Tourist Attraction and First Dam along the Yellow River

Sanmenxia Dam is the first major water control project built along the main stream of the Yellow River after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It comprises rugged gorges amidst undulating mountains. As the water level changes with season, a large body of water comes into being in the reservoir that is shaped by the dam. Floodwater, when discharged, would surge forward in massive torrents, charging hundreds of miles downstream like tens of thousands of galloping horses.

30-minute drive northeast of the urban areas of Sanmenxia.

Shanzhou Dikengyuan

Shanzhou Dikengyuan

Underground Courtyard in North China

Dikengyuan is a kind of residential area with unique characteristics on the Loess Plateau of China, which materially demonstrates the evolution of mankind’s cave dwellings. It is quite durable, cool in summer and warm in winter. When people come here, they will see trees but not the village, and later the village but not the houses. Tourists can hear the sounds but can hardly see the villagers. Such a unique characteristic of this residential area is praised with expressions such as “the living fossil of mankind’s cave dwelling” and “the ancient village below the horizon”. The uniqueness, specialty, simplicity and truthfulness of Dikengyuan have helped attract a great number of Chinese and foreign tourists. Tourists can live in the courtyard, have meals prepared by the villagers, observe traditional festivities, and enjoy the folk shows.

Beiying Village, Zhangbian Township, Shanzhou District, Sanmenxia.

Guo State Museum

Guo State Museum

Witnessing Charm of Western Zhou Dynasty

Guo State Museum is a thematic museum located within the premises of Guo State cemetery from Western Zhou Dynasty (1046 B.C. to 771 B.C.). At the museum, tourists can appreciate exquisite artifacts unearthed from the cemetery as well as the tomb of a venerated monarch. Tourists can also walk into an underground battle array of real chariots and horses. Built almost 2,800 years ago, this array is the earliest and largest of its kind in China.

Liufeng North Road, Sanmenxia.

Xiaolangdi Scenic Area

Xiaolangdi Scenic Area

National Water Scenic Area and China’s Top Ecotourism Area

With a total area of around 1262 square kilometers and water area reaching over 300 square kilometers, Xiaolangdi Scenic Area can be divided into 4 parts, namely Xiaolangdi Dam, Jingzi Mountain, Bali Gorge and Sanmenxia Dam, including 13 scenic sections and 113 scenic spots. It is based on mountains and lake, featuring water control projects in the mid-lower reaches of the Yellow River, grand gorges and rivers, through which, a vivid picture of civilization and natural landscapes along the Yellow River can be offered to those visitors who want to take on a holiday trip for leisure. Each year, water sediment regulation get started from June to July, on the occasion of which, visitors can stand good chance of viewing grand waterfall.

40 kilometers away from south of Luoyang, and around 30 kilometers away from north of Jiyuan.

Memorial Ceremony for Ancestors  in Hometown of Yellow Emperor

Memorial Ceremony for Ancestors in Hometown of Yellow Emperor

A Ceremony for the Chinese to Pay Respect to their Ancestors

Memorial Ceremony for Ancestors in Hometown of Yellow Emperor is a grand ceremony held for the Chinese to worship their ancestor called Huang Di (Yellow Emperor). Every year, overseas Chinese from more than 100 countries and regions all over the world will come here to participate in the ceremony. The ceremony aims to carry forward the fine traditional Chinese culture and cherish the memory of the merits of the ancestor. It is also seen as a symbol of the connection and continuation of the descendants of the ancestral blood.
Date: Third day of the third lunar month (about early April per the Gregorian calendar)

Scenic Spot of Hometown of Yellow Emperor, Xinzheng, Zhengzhou.

Suspended River at Kaifeng

Suspended River at Kaifeng

Natural Wonder

As the drop of the Yellow River dramatically decreases after it surges out of the Mangshan Mountain around Zhengzhou and reaches the Central Plains, huge amounts of sediments deposit in the riverbed, which rises 7 to 8 meters (10 meters at the highest point) above the ground. The Yellow River, sandwiched between the embankments, surges forward through the highland to the north of Kaifeng, like a roaring sky river.

Liuyuankou, southern bank of the Yellow River, 10 kilometers north of Kaifeng

Yellow River’s Old Watercourse in  Shangqiu

Yellow River’s Old Watercourse in Shangqiu

North China‘s Watertown and Ecological Park

The Yellow River’s Old Watercourse in Shangqiu has a perfectly preserved embankment. It is 134 kilometers in length and 10-13 meters in height, with a bottom width of 100 meters. The magnificent embankment is lauded as “The Great Wall along the Riverside”. As light breeze stirs the reservoir and the water glistens with sunlight, ducks chase each other, fish swim animatedly and waterfowl fly gracefully, together presenting a heavenly scene. Such unique scenery has made the Yellow River’s Old Watercourse in Shangqiu gain the fame of being “North China‘s Watertown”.

Four districts (counties) of Minquan, Ningling, Liangyuan and Yucheng in Shangqiu.


Chinese History Study Tour:
Zhengzhou → Luoyang → Anyang.
Zhengzhou (arrival by air or high-speed train), visit Henan Museum and the Historic Monuments of Dengfeng in “The Centre of Heaven and Earth”→ Luoyang (40 minutes by high-speed train), visit Luoyang Museum, Longmen Grottoes, Hall of Divinity (Mingtang)·Hall of Heaven (Tiantang) Scenic Spot→ Anyang (100 minutes by high-speed train), visit National Museum of Chinese Writing and Yin Ruins → Back;

Chinese Kungfu Study Tour:
Zhengzhou → Dengfeng → Jiaozuo → Wenxian County.
Zhengzhou (arrival by air or high-speed train) → Dengfeng (an hour’s bus ride), learn to practice a bit of Shaolin Kungfu at the Songshan Shaolin Temple Wushu Training Center, Shaolin Tagou Martial Arts School, Shaolin Epo Martial Arts School→ Zhengzhou (an hour’s bus ride) → Jiaozuo (35-minute trip by high-speed train) → Chenjiagou at Wenxian County (an hour’s trip by tour bus), visit Tai Chi Museum and learn to practice some Tai Chi at the Chenjiagou Tai Chi School → Back;

Yellow River · Silk Road Civilization Study Tour:
Sanmenxia → Luoyang → Zhengzhou → Kaifeng. → Shangqiu.
Arrival at Sanmenxia, visit Guo State Museum, Sanmenxia Dam and Dikengyuan in Shanzhou→ Luoyang (30 minutes by high-speed train), visit Xiaolangdi Scenic Area→ Zhengzhou (35 minutes by high-speed train), visit Hometown of Yellow Emperor, participated in the Memorial Ceremony for Ancestors in Hometown of Yellow Emperor→ Kaifeng (20 minutes by high-speed train), visit Suspended River→ Shangqiu (35 minutes by high-speed train), visit Ancient Shangqiu Town and the Old Watercourse of Yellow River → Back