Henan Province boasts a time-honored history and legendary cultural heritage. It is home to five ancient Chinese capitals, namely the charming provincial capital Zhengzhou, the original capital of the Shang Dynasty, Luoyang, which has a thousand-year history as the imperial capital of several dynasties; Kaifeng, the capital of seven Chinese dynasties, Anyang, also the capital of the Shang Dynasty, and Xuchang, capital of Han and Wei Dynasties, they still bear the cultural heritage, traditional customs and charm of the Xia, Shang, Zhou, Han, Wei, Sui, Tang and Song dynasties. These cities are a living proof of the vicissitudes of China's 5,000-year history and profound cultural legacy. They remain to be the must-visit tourist destinations for visitors to learn about the splendid culture of China, an ancient oriental civilization, and appreciate its historical heritage and cultural relics.



Charming Shang Capital



Thousand-Year Imperial Capital



Ancient Capital of Eight Dynasties



Ancient Capital of Shang Dynasty



Ancient Capital of Han and Wei Dynasties

Henan Museum

Henan Museum

National Key Museum

Henan Museum, one of China’s top three museums, has a unique architecture. It houses over 130,000 artifacts, with more than 40,000 articles
designated as “National Treasure”. Prehistorical relics, bronze ware of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, pottery and porcelain of all ages are among the museum’s unique collections having great archeological and artistic value.

No. 8, Nongye Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou.

Hometown of Yellow Emperor

Hometown of Yellow Emperor

Birthplace of the Primogenitor of Chinese Nation and Civilization

By historical account, Hometown of Yellow Emperor is the birthplace of Xuanyuan Huangdi (Yellow Emperor), who is regarded as the ancestor of the Chinese nation and civilization. This is the place where he established his reign. It is also a place of sanctity, to which all the Chinese pay their homage. Constructions at the site can be traced back to the Han Dynasty. The site has undergone renovations throughout ages, while recent years have seen its large-scale expansion. At present, the site covers a total area of 65,000 square meters, comprising the Xuanyuan Square, Ancestral Hall, Huangdi Tripod Platform, Xuanyuan Mound and the Garden of Art.

Xuanyuan Middle Road, Xinzheng City, Zhengzhou.

Shang Dynasty City Ruins

Shang Dynasty City Ruins

China‘s Earliest Site of Ancient Capital

So far, Shang Dynasty City Ruins is the largest and best-preserved archeological site in terms of ancient Chinese capitals. This site is home to the capital city of Shang Dynasty during the dynasty’s middle period. With a total area of 25 square kilometers and a perimeter of nearly 7 kilometers, this site mainly comprises the city wall and huge ruins of palace buildings. The ruins of this capital city in Zhengzhou suggest it was the Hao Capital built in 1600 B.C., thus it has a history of almost 3,600 years. It was also the first city with urban planning in China’s history.

Shangcheng Road, Guancheng District, Zhengzhou.

Longmen Grottoes

Longmen Grottoes

World Cultural Heritage Site and National 5A-level Tourist Attraction

Longmen Grottoes, one of China’s three bestknown grottoes, started over 1,500 years ago and lasted around 400 years. Presently, Longmen Grottoes stretch around one kilometer from north to south. They are made up of more than 2,300 niches, over 100,000 sculptures and about 2,800 stone tablets. Additionally, it is home to the world-renowned sculpture of Locana Buddha, which has been modeled in the semblance of Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese history. This grandiose sculpture reflects the mastery in sculpting art that the Chinese people had achieved during the heyday of Tang Dynasty.

Yique Valley, six kilometers away south of Luoyang.

Sui and Tang Luoyang City  National Heritage Park

Sui and Tang Luoyang City National Heritage Park

Relics of Silk Road and World Cultural Heritage Site

Sui and Tang Luoyang City National Heritage Park comprises Relics of Dingding Gate along with Hall of Heaven (Tiantang) and Hall of Divinity (Mingtang). Relics of Dingding Gate cover the area where South Gate (Dingding Gate) and its surrounding neighborhood of Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Sui and Tang dynasties, were located. They acted as Luoyang’s landmarks representing the eastern starting point of the Silk Road. Meanwhile, Hall of Heaven (Tiantang) and Hall of Divinity (Mingtang) were built on the orders of Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese history, when she ascended the throne. They are the tallest constructions throughout ancient Chinese history and must-visit attractions for tourists.

Near the intersection of Dingding Road and Zhongzhou Road in the old urban quarters of Luoyang.

Museum of Luoyang Eastern Zhou  Royal Horse and Chariot Pits

Museum of Luoyang Eastern Zhou Royal Horse and Chariot Pits

The Gem of Eastern Zhou Dynasty

Museum of Luoyang Eastern Zhou Royal Horse and Chariot Pits has been built on a funeral pit bearing a large carriage and a number of horses. Discovered in the 21st century, the “six-horse” funeral pit is 42.6 meters long and 7.4 meters wide, containing 26 carriages and 70 horses. Given its scale, this pit is a rare finding among the relics discovered in the same period. Known as the “The Gem of Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Peerless in the World”, this place is a visual reproduction of the carriage use methods during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.

No. 226 Zhongzhou Middle Road, Luoyang.

Luoyang Museum

Luoyang Museum

National First Class Museum

Luoyang Museum is the only comprehensive history museum in Luoyang. It is home to the broad and profound culture of the ancient capital Luoyang. The newly launched “Eternal Civilization – Exhibition of Fine Cultural Relics of Luoyang” shows nearly 1,000 pieces of cultural relics. It houses a number of national treasures, such as the bronze wine vessel of Xia Dynasty, the gold and silver decorated bronze tripod of the Warring States period, the pottery sculpture of Northern Wei Dynasty, the three-colored lamps and three-colored horses of Tang Dynasty.

Nietai Road, Luolong District, Luoyang.

Millennium City Park

Millennium City Park

Picturesque City and National 5A-level Tourist Attraction

Millennium City Park is a thematic park based on the culture of Song Dynasty. It has been modeled on a Chinese painting titled Along the River During the Qingming Festival, a renowned work of art by Zhang Zeduan, a renowned painter in the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127 A.D.). As a large-scale imitation of Song-style architectural complex, the park not only brings to life the prosperity of Bianjing (the former name of Kaifeng), but entertains visitors with recreational activities and theatrical performances, such as famous live show -Song Dynasty – A Wonderland of Prosperity.

No.5 West Longting Road, Longting District, Kaifeng.

Kaifeng House

Kaifeng House

The Epitome of Government Office in Northern Song Dynasty

Kaifeng House, a theme scenic spot that presents a scenario for the government office of Northern Song Dynasty. Originally, it was established in the first year of Kai Ping(907 AD), Later Liang, during the period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, but not until the Northern Song Dynasty did rise to the top governmental office. In 2001, Kaifeng House was reconstructed on the same site, including over 50 buildings. it is mainly divided into gate tower, etiquette door, main hall and Qianlong Hall, etc. Inside the scenic spot are there valuable historical materials and reenactment shows, such as Baogong Holding Court and Yamen Opening Rituals.

Northern bank of the Baogong East Lake, Kaifeng.

Longting Park

Longting Park

Ruins of the Palace of Six Dynasties

Boasting a history of 1,200 years, Longting Park has been built on the ruins of the Palace of Six Dynasties. It fully demonstrates the majesty of the northern royal gardens. The park is surrounded by water on three sides with beautiful scenes. It encapsulates the imperial vigor along with the elegance of southern Chinese gardens. In addition, the park holds the Chrysanthemum Festival, Lantern Festival and other festivals regularly each year.

Northern end of Songdu Yujie Street, Kaifeng.

Iron Tower Park

Iron Tower Park

Thousand-Year Old Tower

The iron tower in the park is a symbol of the ancient capital Kaifeng. Almost 55.63 meters high, with 8 corners and 13 storeys, the tower was built in the first year of Huangyou Reign of the Northern Song Dynasty (1049 A.D.). It is the highest, oldest and best-preserved colored glaze brick tower in China, reputed as “No. 1 Tower in the World”. People regularly hold various types of tourism activities and live performances at the venue.

Bei Da Jie, Kaifeng.

Royal River of the Song Dynasty

Royal River of the Song Dynasty

Longting Lake and Baogong Lake

Royal River of the Song Dynasty is about 2,500 meters in length. It runs through two major scenic spots, Longting Lake and Baogong Lake, in Kaifeng. The scenery along the river is beautiful and the culture is rich and profound. Attractions near the river include Millennium City Park, Longting Park, Memorial Temple of Lord Bao, Kaifeng House and other scenic areas. If you take a night cruise in the river, you can watch some live performances related to the culture of Song Dynasty, while enjoying serene water, scenic views, glorious dances, and other cultural connotations.

Longting Lake and Baogong Lake

Live Show Song Dynasty

Live Show Song Dynasty

A Wonderland of Prosperity

Song Dynasty-A Wonderland of Prosperity, a grand live show presented from March to November each year in Jinglong Lake of Millennium City Park, which involved more than 700 actors and is equipped with varied techniques and acoustic & optic supports, in order to relive the rise and fall of Northern Song Dynasty, bring the spectators back to the scene 1000 years ago.

Kaifeng Millennium city park

Yin Ruins

Yin Ruins

World Cultural Heritage Site and National 5A-level Tourist Attraction

As confirmed by archaeological findings, Yin Ruins are the remains of the capital city of the late Shang Dynasty (second dynasty in ancient China), boasting a history of more than 3,000 years. More than 150,000 pieces of oracle bones and shells along with a large amount of bronze ware bearing exquisite designs have been excavated from the Yin Ruins site, including the globally famous Houmuwu Ding (quadripod), which is the crown jewel of all bronze ware unearthed worldwide. Artifacts exhumed from Yin Ruins are testament to the extraordinary art of engraving and bronze casting.

Xiaotuncun, northwestern suburbs of Anyang.

National Museum of Chinese  Writing

National Museum of Chinese Writing

China‘s First Museum for Chinese Writing

National Museum of Chinese Writing is dedicated to the protection, display and research of cultural relics. A collection of 4,123 artifacts featuring Chinese characters speaks volumes about the heritage of Chinese writing and the splendid culture of Chinese civilization. Assorted samples of Chinese characters are on display at the museum, accompanied by the descriptions about the configuration of ancient Chinese characters and the evolution of Chinese writing.

No. 656, Eastern Section of the Renmin Avenue, Anyang.

Mansion of Imperial Chancellor Cao  Cao

Mansion of Imperial Chancellor Cao Cao

Intriguing Style of Han and Wei Dynasties

It is China’s first scenic area based on the Cao Wei culture. It is a building complex constructed per Han architectural style. It comprises the Mansion Gate, Qiuxian Hall, Seven-Step Tower, Yishi Hall and other areas. It is a major part of the cultural attractions of the Three Kingdoms in Xuchang City. It is an iconic landscape of the ancient capital of Cao Wei.

Eastern side of Emperor Wu of Wei Square of Xuchang.

Spring and Autumn Tower

Spring and Autumn Tower

Former Residence of Guan Yu

Spring and Autumn Tower got its name from the storybook titled Spring and Autumn. Guan Yu, a famous general in the period of Three Kingdoms, had once read that story at this location in candle light on a dark night. The Spring and Autumn Tower is a brick and wood structure, as high as 30 meters, with its top being covered with green glazed tiles, surrounded by 16 pillars. There are corridors both upstairs and downstairs. On the blue stone pillars are carved patterns of flowers, birds, worms, fish and figurines

Spring and Autumn Plaza, Jianshe Road, Xuchang .

Ancient Capital of Cao Wei  Dynasty

Ancient Capital of Cao Wei Dynasty

Recurrence of Prosperity of Prosperous Capital

With a planned area of 3.9 square kilometers, it displays the cultural resources of Cao Cao’s Wei Dynasty while uplifting the cultural brand of Three Kingdoms. It exhibits the ancient charm and features of Han and Wei styles in an imposing yet simple and lofty demeanor. This ancient urban area offers a cultural display, recreational facilities for tourists and other commercial services.

Downtown Xuchang.


Zhengzhou → Luoyang → Kaifeng → Anyang → Xuchang:

Zhengzhou (by air or high-speed train), recommended attractions: Henan Museum, Hometown of Yellow Emperor and Shang Dynasty City Ruins→ Luoyang (40-minute trip by high-speed train from Zhengzhou), recommended attractions: Longmen Grottoes, Sui and Tang Luoyang City National Heritage Park, Museum of Luoyang Eastern Zhou Royal Horse and Chariot Pits, Luoyang Museum→ Kaifeng (80-minute trip by high-speed train from Luoyang), recommended attractions: Millennium City Park, Kaifeng House (the office of the imperial capital government), Longting Park, Iron Tower Park, you can also take a night cruise in the Royal River→ Anyang (80-minute trip by high-speed train from Kaifeng), recommended attractions: Yin Ruins and National Museum of Chinese Writing → Xuchang (61-minute trip by high-speed train from Anyang), recommended attractions: Mansion of Imperial Chancellor Cao Cao, Spring and Autumn Tower, and Ancient Capital of Cao Wei Dynasty → Back